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Reiki originated in Japan in the 1920s, having been developed by Buddhist Dr Mikao Usui.   Reiki (pronounced ‘ray kee’) comes from two Japanese words; Rei and Ki, Rei meaning ‘the universal’ and Ki meaning ‘life energy.’ In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the ‘life energy’ is called Qi (pronounced "chee"). 

Reiki is a gentle, holistic energy therapy which is suitable for most conditions and produces no harmful effects. It is extremely relaxing and can help people feel more able to cope and to move forward when they are feeling stuck, unhappy or unfocused. It can be used by anyone of any constitution, including babies and animals. Reiki is both safe and can be applied in conjunction with conventional Western medical treatments, often even helping to reduce their side-effects. 

It is administered by ‘the laying on of hands’ which involves the gentle placing of the practitioners hands on or near areas of the body. Treatments are carried out fully clothed, in a lying or seated position.

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